Service Worker

No-Code Service Worker Generator

Generate a service worker without writing a single line of code. Define caching strategies, handle push notifications, and more.

Service Worker Logo
  • Illustration screenshot for Hassle-Free Service Workers

    Hassle-Free Service Workers

    Service workers are notoriously difficult to develop, with opaque code that's hard to manage and debug. Progressier abstracts the service worker lifecycle and generates it automatically based on your preferences.

  • Illustration screenshot for Caching Strategies

    Caching Strategies

    Progressier provides you with a no-code caching strategy builder. Simply pick a predefined strategy and choose which resources to apply it to. Progressier automatically builds your logic and generates a service worker.

  • undefined

  • Illustration screenshot for Push & Background Sync

    Push & Background Sync

    Your service worker has all the logic for the Push API, the Background Sync API and all other standard technical service worker components out of the box.

  • Illustration screenshot for Effortless Implementation

    Effortless Implementation

    Progressier is framework-agnostic. Provided you have access to your domain's root, you can implement the Progressier service worker on any web app. Whether it's built with Vanilla JS, React, Vue.js, Bootstrap, or jQuery, no additional coding is needed.

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