Compare low-code PWA building solutions

PWA Builder vs Progressier

Looking to turn your existing web app into a fully-featured PWA? Compare PWABuilder with Progressier to find out what solution is right for your needs.



PWA Builder


PWABuilder is a community guided, open source project founded by Microsoft. Progressier is a SaaS platform founded by Kevin Basset.


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PWA Builder


PWA Implementation

Both solutions allow you to easily add a service worker and app manifest to your existing web app.


PWA Builder

App Store Packaging

With PWA Builder, you can package your app for Google Play, the App Store, and the Windows Store. Progressier generates an installation page that lives on the web.


Custom Installation Page

PWA Builder

Google Play, App Store & Windows Store
Google Play, App Store & Windows Store

In-App PWA Promotion

Progressier comes with a number of pre-built in-app installation widgets including app banners, QR codes, install buttons and more. With PWABuilder, you'll have to build them yourself.


PWA Builder

Push Notifications

You can compose and send unlimited push notifications from the Progressier dashboard. You'll need an additional service like OneSignal in addition to PWABuilder for push notifications.


PWA Builder

PWA Analytics

Progressier lets you track installations, push subscriptions, app launches and more. There are no analytics in PWA Builder.


PWA Builder

Caching Strategies

PWA Builder allows you to add Workbox to your PWA. You'll have to write code for your caching strategies. With Progressier, you can build detailed caching strategies without code.


Completely no-code

PWA Builder

Code required
Code required

Programmatic PWA Creation

Progressier provides you with client-side and server-side APIs for programmatically generating PWAs on the same domain or on different domains. This cannot be done with apps downloaded from app stores.


PWA Builder

App Screenshots Designer

Progressier's screenshot tool lets you capture, design, localize, manage screenshots in one unique interface. PWA Builder's screenshot tool only allows you to capture raw screenshots.


PWA Builder

Web Share Target

Progressier simplifies the Web Share Target implementation. With PWA Builder, you'll have to build your own integration from scratch.


PWA Builder

iOS Splash Screens

Progressier generates custom iOS splash screens for you. It's automatically updated whenever Apple releases a new iPhone or iPad. With PWABuilder, you'll have to manually upload iOS splash screens to your app.


PWA Builder

Offline support

With Progressier, show a custom alert when a user loses network connectivity. With PWA Builder, build your own custom offline page.


PWA Builder

App Shortcuts

Add shortcuts to frequent actions in your app from Progressier. Add them manually to your manifest generated with PWA Builder.


PWA Builder

App Manifest

Both PWA solutions let you customize the basic details of the manifest. With Progressier, you can also generate the manifest dynamically.


Advanced customization

PWA Builder

Limited customization
Limited customization

Service Worker

Both PWA solutions provide you with a service worker with support for the fetch, push, and background sync APIs.


PWA Builder

Your app here

So what's the best alternative?

Sign up to Progressier today and try all features free of charge. No credit card required.

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