Compare app distributions solutions for

BDK Native vs Progressier

Discover the app distribution solution for Bubble that meets your needs by comparing BDK Native and Progressier.



BDK Native

App Format

With Progressier, your Bubble app can be installed directly from the browser. With BDK Native, users will be able to download it from the App Store and Google Play.



BDK Native

Native App
Native App

iOS Installation

Both BDK Native and Progressier allow users to install your app on their iPhone or iPad.


BDK Native

Android Installation

With Progressier and BDK Native, users can install your app on their Android smartphone or tablet.


BDK Native

Windows Installation

With Progressier, your Bubble app can also be installed on any Windows computer without extra effort. BDK Native does not support desktop installation.


BDK Native

macOS Installation

You can make your Bubble app available on any Macbook or iMac with Progressier — not with BDK Native.


BDK Native

User friendliness

Installing an app from App Store and Google Play is a process most users are familiar with. Installing PWAs from the browser is a little less intuitive — although Progressier greatly streamlines the process.



BDK Native


Cost for one app

Progressier is a SaaS platform providing end-to-end management for your Bubble app, whereas BDK Native is a one-time service that wraps it for the traditional app stores.



BDK Native

$365 build fee + $39 rebuild fee
$365 build fee + $39 rebuild fee

Push notifications

Both solutions enable sending push notifications to your users. This feature is incorporated within your Progressier subscription at no additional cost, while BDK Native necessitates an account with an extra service (e.g. OneSignal).


BDK Native

OneSignal account required
OneSignal account required

Extra costs

Progressier comes with everything for installation and notifications included. If you go the native app route, you'll need additional developer accounts with Apple and Google.



BDK Native

$99/year Apple Developer account + $25 one-time Google Developer account
$99/year Apple Developer account + $25 one-time Google Developer account


With Progressier, your app lives on the open web. With BDK Native, you may have to periodically rebuild your app to update its app store listing.


Instant & Free

BDK Native

$39 per rebuild
$39 per rebuild


PWAs can be distributed and updated without permissions. Google and Apple require reviewing your app before every app listing update.



BDK Native

Google/Apple permission required
Google/Apple permission required

Commission on in-app purchases

If you charge users, Apple and Google may require using their payment systems and take a commission. With Progressier, your can use whatever payment system you like — and you get to keep all of your hard-earned money.



BDK Native

Up to 30%
Up to 30%

Built-in discoverability

Apps featured on the App Store or Google Play can benefit from organic installs when promoted by the platforms' algorithms. PWAs lack such inherent discoverability.


BDK Native

Programmatic PWA Creation

With Progressier, you have the capability to create multiple apps under a single domain, an option that native apps simply don't offer.


BDK Native

App Screenshots

With Progressier, you can effortlessly design and manage screenshots right from the dashboard. With BDK Native, the onus is on you to navigate the creation of design screenshots, before uploading them to the Google Play and App Store developer consoles.


BDK Native

Your app here

So what's the best alternative?

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