Adding PWA features to your jQuery site in 2025

Find out how to add PWA features to your jQuery site in just a few minutes. Make your jQuery PWA work offline, make it installable across browsers and devices, and send push notifications without writing any code.

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Getting started with jQuery & Progressier

  1. Illustration screenshot for Get Started with Progressier

    1Get Started with Progressier

    Begin by clicking the Get started button at the top of this page. From the dropdown menu, select JavaScript. If you're new to Progressier, create an account. Otherwise, simply log in.

  2. Illustration screenshot for Embed the Script Tag

    2Embed the Script Tag

    Insert the script tag, as provided in your Progressier dashboard, into your jQuery PWA. Ideally, place it within the <head> section of your HTML. If your jQuery app isn't templated, add the script to each page.

  3. Illustration screenshot for Incorporate the Service Worker

    3Incorporate the Service Worker

    Progressier offers a downloadable service worker. If your jQuery app already has one, simply integrate it using importScripts. Service workers empower your app with offline functionality, manage push notification delivery, and are pivotal for browsers to prompt installation.

  4. Illustration screenshot for Make Your App Installable

    4Make Your App Installable

    With Progressier, your jQuery app transforms into an installable PWA on supported devices and browsers. Additionally, Progressier generates an installation page and equips you with PWA promotion tools.

  5. Illustration screenshot for Set Up Push Notifications

    5Set Up Push Notifications

    Finalize by setting up the push notification preferences for your users. These notifications are supported in most major browsers. With Progressier's dashboard, you can dispatch push notifications. Alternatively, integrate your user data and send notifications programmatically via our API.

Which PWA features does jQuery support?

Android Installation

Your jQuery PWA is installable on Android tablets or smartphones in a click.

iOS Installation

Let users add your jQuery PWA to their home screen with our custom iOS install prompt.

Windows Installation

Your PWA can be installed from Chrome and Edge to your users' Desktop and/or Taskbar.

macOS Installation

Get your app installed on macOS from Chrome — Progressier walks users through installing your PWA to their Docks.

Chrome OS Installation

Progressier is also a great solution to get your app installed on Chrome OS.

Installation Page

A beautiful single-purpose page to send to your users as a direct link to install your jQuery PWA on their device.

Original Domain Installation

Your app is directly installable right from your own domain.

Web App Manifest

Progressier builds a PWA manifest with your preferences set in the dashboard, with toggles and inputs instead of lines of code

Service Worker

A service worker is a file that runs independently from the main browser thread and that allows to define how to cache and refresh resources. It's also the mechanism by which push notifications can be delivered to a user who's not on your site. Progressier lets you customize the service worker in details without having to write code.

Cache Static Resources

Progressier has a built-in caching strategy builder that lets you configure how each type of resources should be cached and refreshed. No code to write.

100% Offline-Ready

If you have full control over all the resources required for your website to work, you can make your site work 100% offline in Progressier without writing a single line of code.

Push Campaigns

Notify all your users of news in your app with our dashboard and/or API. Progressier manages all user push subscriptions for you.

Personalized Notifications

Send notifications to any particular user manually or programmatically. All your need is their email, their user ID or any other information that identifies them in your system.

Connect User Data

Connect your own user data (emails, account type, etc). So when a user authorizes push notifications in your jQuery PWA, their data is also saved along with it.

In-App PWA Promotion

A set of tools that allow you to promote installation of your PWA within the body of your app, including custom install buttons and floating action buttons.

Offline Alerts

Let users know when they lose their Internet connection.

Request Notifications After Installation

Prompt users to allow push notifications right after they have installed your app. Less intrusive = better conversion rate.

Install & Push Analytics

Progressier tracks installs of your jQuery PWA over time. Also tracks push subscriptions.

Programmatic PWA Creation

Create jQuery PWAs programmatically with our API.

Google Play & App Store Upload

With our PWABuilder integration, you can list your jQuery PWA on Google Play or the App Store.

Why choose jQuery and Progressier for your PWA?

Contemplating building a new app with jQuery in 2025? The digital landscape has evolved, and while jQuery once reigned supreme, modern development often favors other approaches. With the advancements in Vanilla JavaScript, many features that made jQuery indispensable are now natively supported by browsers.

However, it's noteworthy that 77.4% of websites still harness the power of jQuery. Chances are, if you're here, your website might be one of them. Regardless of your tech stack—be it jQuery, Vanilla JavaScript, or modern frameworks like React or Vue.js, building a potent PWA is within reach. The foundational elements for PWA deployment—a domain fortified with SSL, a service worker stationed at your domain's root equipped with a fetch event listener, and an app manifest—are universally applicable.

Is it time to let go of jQuery in your PWA?

Adhering to the wisdom of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", a complete overhaul to eliminate jQuery might not be the answer. Removing jQuery dependencies can be daunting, especially if your site leans heavily on specific plugins or libraries. Instead of a drastic rewrite, consider a phased transition, integrating native APIs for newer features. For instance, modern browsers' document.querySelectorAll can be a worthy alternative to jQuery's $ function.

Hosting jQuery: on a CDN or your domain?

The charm of PWAs lies in their ability to operate offline. Streamlining cache management is simpler when resources reside on your domain. While CDN-hosted jQuery versions are popular, hosting on your domain ensures consistent offline availability, especially when armed with strategic caching.

The jQuery PWA and SPA conundrum

SPAs, or Single Page Apps, update views seamlessly, offering a native-esque experience. Many jQuery-built apps might not be SPAs, but that doesn't detract from their merit. While SPAs excel in user experience, traditional apps often fare better in areas like SEO. Thus, a jQuery PWA doesn't mandate SPA architecture.

Your app here

Ready to turn your jQuery app into a PWA?

Try our PWA builder free of charge for 14 days. No credit card required.

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