Quickstart Guides
Ruby on Rails

Enhancing your Rails site with PWA features

Discover how to integrate Progressive Web App (PWA) capabilities into your Ruby on Rails site quickly and effortlessly. Learn to enable offline functionality, ensure it's installable on various browsers and devices, and implement push notifications in your Rails PWA, all without the need to write any code.

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Getting started with Ruby on Rails & Progressier

  1. Illustration screenshot for Create your account

    1Create your account

    Start by selecting the Get started button located at the top of this page. Choose JavaScript from the dropdown list. For those new to Progressier, you'll need to create an account. If you already have an account, just log in.

  2. Illustration screenshot for Insert the script tag

    2Insert the script tag

    Embed the script tag, which you can find in your Progressier dashboard, into your Rails PWA. It's best to insert it in the <head> section of your HTML.

  3. Illustration screenshot for Integrate the service worker

    3Integrate the service worker

    Progressier provides a service worker that you can download. If your Rails app already uses a service worker, you can incorporate it using importScripts.

  4. Illustration screenshot for Set up your installation prompts

    4Set up your installation prompts

    With Progressier, your Rails app transforms into an installable PWA. Choose between an installation page and widgets and prompts to prompt users to install your app.

  5. Illustration screenshot for Configure push notifications

    5Configure push notifications

    Complete the process by configuring the push notification settings for your users. Utilize Progressier's dashboard to send out push notifications. You also have the option to merge your user data and programmatically send notifications using our API.

Which PWA features does Ruby on Rails support?

Android Installation

Your Ruby on Rails PWA is installable on Android tablets or smartphones in a click.

iOS Installation

Let users add your Ruby on Rails PWA to their home screen with our custom iOS install prompt.

Windows Installation

Your PWA can be installed from Chrome and Edge to your users' Desktop and/or Taskbar.

macOS Installation

Progressier helps users add your Ruby on Rails PWA to their Docks for quick access.

Chrome OS Installation

Progressier is also a great solution to get your app installed on Chrome OS.

Installation Page

An app-store like installation experience for your PWA — without the hassle of managing Google Play/App Store listings.

Original Domain Installation

Your Ruby on Rails PWA can be installed from your existing domain.

Web App Manifest

A web app manifest is a basic browser requirement for PWAs. Progressier outputs it automatically based on your preferences.

Service Worker

A service worker is a file that runs independently from the main browser thread and that allows to define how to cache and refresh resources. It's also the mechanism by which push notifications can be delivered to a user who's not on your site. Progressier lets you customize the service worker in details without having to write code.

Cache Static Resources

Progressier lets you build caching strategies without writing code so you can easily cache resources and make them accessible offline.

100% Offline-Ready

If you have full control over all the resources required for your website to work, you can make your site work 100% offline in Progressier without writing a single line of code.

Push Campaigns

Send push notifications to up to 1,000,000 users in one go within the Progressier dashboard or via the API.

Personalized Notifications

Send notifications to any particular user manually or programmatically. All your need is their email, their user ID or any other information that identifies them in your system.

Connect User Data

Link user data like emails, names, status to push subscriptions, so you can easily notify someone from your product directly or from our dashboard.

In-App PWA Promotion

A set of tools that allow you to promote installation of your PWA within the body of your app, including custom install buttons and floating action buttons.

Offline Alerts

Let users know when they lose their Internet connection.

Request Notifications After Installation

Prompt users to allow push notifications right after they have installed your app. Less intrusive = better conversion rate.

Install & Push Analytics

See in real-time and track over time how users install your PWA and allow push notifications.

Programmatic PWA Creation

Create new Progressive Web Apps dynamically with our API on different domains or subdirectories.

Google Play & App Store Upload

Easily upload your app to Google Play or the App Store with our PWABuilder integration.

Why choose Ruby on Rails and Progressier for your PWA?

Ruby on Rails, a server-side web application framework, is a powerful tool for building web applications. Its suitability for PWA development comes from:

  • Convention over Configuration: Rails’ principle reduces the time spent on configuration, which speeds up the development process.
  • Built-in Helpers and Libraries: Rails offers a plethora of helpers and libraries that simplify coding.
  • Active Community: The Rails community continuously contributes to improving the framework and adding PWA capabilities.
Your app here

Ready to turn your Ruby on Rails app into a PWA?

Try our PWA builder free of charge for 14 days. No credit card required.

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